It's been ages since i ever touch my blog. It has been a really busy year and we have serious work done within these past four months. You can name it, dance performance, extra co-curiculum activities, trips, camps and much more. Plus homework, assignments and school stuff is seriously no joke! Although it has been tough, but i learned one important thing though, time management. Is an important thing to master in life if you want to succeed. Anyway, I had the most memorable birthday this year. i celebrated my birthday unplanned with some fellow scouts and guides in the girl guides headquarters in brickfields. It was fun and crazy at the same time.
i was very thankful for those who celebrated my birhtday and thanks for all the wishes that everyone gave me.
Now that I am 16 years old, I have to learn to be more responsible and set an aim in my life. i need to know and be determined to where I am heading towards. I also must be willing to work for it in order to achieve what I want to achieve. A few months back, just after I got my PMR results, i had set an aim to work towards medicine when I graduate from high school. But now I'm scare, scare that i might not be able to achieve what i want to achieve. After four months of science study, i found out that i couldn't cope with the pressure I'm facing. But what i aim a few months back, i promise myself to work hard in order to achieve what i aim, although i am surrounded with pressures and all kinds of activities but i am willing to work for it. Hoping I can get a great success!! Ganbatte kudasai!!