I woke up this morning, By a call from dad from the frontyard,
Asking me to open the door,
For he forgot to bring the keys;
As i wash myself up,
I remembered today was Mid Autumn,
I didn't have any plans on hand,
But to accompany my family,
On this yearly chinese event;
I studied and watch TV,
Till i realized it was 5 o'clock,
We decided to go for dinner,
At the back lane foodcourt;
As i stepped out of the house,
I heard digital songs along the street,
Its a small word, doremon, london bridge,
Seem to fill my head;
Improved science and technology,
Filled the world with gadgets of all kinds,
Even our traditional paper lanterns,
Are replaced with battery charge lanterns,
Decorated with light bulb, digital sounds
and cartoon figure of all kinds;
Although science and technology,
Replaced things with conveniece,
We still have old tradition,
Living among us,
And we shall never let it fade away.
Happy Mid Autumn Everyone!!
(Don't mind the poem if it sounds
kinky or weird...)