Monday, October 13, 2008

Ai Caramba!!!

I feel guilty for getting something for doing nothing. haha. I should have done the tango. Come to think of it, maybe a funny dance will do the trick, well it work for him, i mean daniel...
He's kinda cute by the way.. from Sabah.... Too bad. Age difference too far. Wore a cha-cha suit which suits me, suprisingly, did the cha-cha with sway.... and had a operation inventory with my classmates... haha

Preparation for operation inventory... from the left, Dr Ching, Dr Chee, Dr Low, Dr Ong and Dr. Thim

Halfway there.....

Ok i know what are you thinking (ridiculous right?) But it fits?? haha


This is what i got for doind nothing on stage..... Argh! should have done the tango!

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