Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thank you Kak yaya~~~

Mei wern mentioned to me that alyea
was short of mopsticks and could not
finish her kitchen.....

So I (thought of being the angel here)
wanted to help her get some sticks from
my school. That part was settled..

Then i had to carry it all the way to
the HQ with my bare hands and
with my heavy school bag *grrrrrr

Ended up having two really painful
arms hanging beside my body...
You better appreciate the dapur
I tell you!!!! hehehe

But seriously talking i understand the
'pain' you're going through. Went
through it during my time so though
maybe i could loosen up abit for you.

Good luck to those sitting for the
permit and BAKP test this weekend!!!

Freedom of life

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